
At Herbert Morrison Primary School, we are in a fantastic location and are able to take full advantage of the wide ranging experiences available.

We invite inspirational speakers to motivate our children and we participate in a number of workshops and events that promote creativity and ensure our school community is continually enriched.

We also have numerous school events, such as the annual Sports Day, Graduation Ceremony, Summer Fair, Termly open days; inviting parents into class to participate in their child’s learning. We ensure a positive community spirit. Browse through our Occasions gallery to experience as Ofsted states A wide range of trips and an appealing mixture of visitors.” 


See all the events on twitter @HerbMorrPriSch

See a range of events on the Newsletters which are published fortnightly

Here is a sample:

Black History Month Open Morning 

Ben Holiaoke Learning Centre - Children produce their own videos

Talent Show KS1 and KS2

Fond Farewells - Miss Evelyn 34 years and Mr Shepherd 26 years 

Otters Year 6 Graduation Ceremony

Year 1 Class Assembly



Sports Day 2024


Another Online Safety Week

Maths - Fractions - Open Morning 


 Roman Day 

Book Signing by our Year 1 Author 

Choir Performance at The Royal Festival Hall ( rehearsals and the performance!)

Science Night - Who Done It?


Reading Cafe Open Morning + 300 New Books 

Writing for Pleasure Open Morning 

Christmas Cracker Lunch



Winter Fair Disco



Year 4 and 5 Spare a thought at Christmas 


Year 2 and 3 Christmas Performance 

Year 1 and Year 6 Nativity 

EYFS Sing-a-long 

Thank you to Cleanscapes and MatchMyFund



Anti-Bullying Week



Rememberance Day

Click here to enjoy the Remembrance Day assembly again and read the whole school reflection Remembrance Day Power Point 

 Online Safety Week 

Talent Show



Jaguars Graduation

Summer Fair 

Platinum Royal Jubilee

Eid Fair 


Red Nose Day

Christmas 2021 Paired Class Performances



Peer Mediators and Ambassadors leading by example 

In Harmony Graduation Performance

Year 3 Flash Mob Dance in the corridor

Year 6 Graduation Performance 

Miss Linda's 33 Years Retirement Celebration

Ben Holioke Learning Centre ( Children produce their own videos)

Sports Day in Bubbles


Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) Flagship School status celebration


Jonny Bairstow Teaches us Maths ( and Cricket!) SHINE 

Nativity Show

The Winter Fair

 NACE Award and Arts Mark Gold Award  - Arty Party Celebration

CBBC Filming on Peer Support 

Alice in Wonderland Theatre Performance

Porcupines Graduation

PGL School Journey 

Science Sleepover 

Unicef -  Clean Air Summit  ( our question was chosen to be answered )

Ben Holioake Centre - Children produce their own videos

Sports Day

Science Sleepover 

Royal Picnic

Outstanding Celebration

Bolshoi Ballet

Summer Fair 

Sports Day

South Bank University Graduation Ceremony

Congratulations to the children who graduated on 19th November at the prestigious South Bank University. 

We were all very lucky to have a guest appearance from Andy Barrow, Olympic Gold Medallist in Wheelchair Rugby whom individually took a picture with each child.  We are very proud of your extra curricular learning and you all look amazing sporting the ‘University look’!

Own Clothes Day

School Council organised a fund raising day to make our football pen EVEN BETTER. Thank you to everyone for joining in.

We raised £148. We are now waiting for the pen to be improved …. Watch that space!

Black History Month Exhibition

We concluded our ‘Black History Month’ activities with a fantastic exhibition in the hall which showcased all the fantastic experiences the children participated in throughout October.

Cultural Day

We celebrate Black History Month by holding a cultural day, where parents are invited into school to support learning.

We had fantastic parental involvement and would like to thank our parents for their wonderful support. Some children and parents dressed in traditional clothes. Children learnt about inspirational black people from Britain and abroad. They explored history, culture and will continue to explore these themes throughout October.

Year 6 visit the Cultural Archives in Brixton

Year 6 visited an exhibition celebrating Black British Women.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Our Macmillan coffee morning was a great success.

Parents and teachers alike mingled and chatted over delicious cakes  whilst children enjoyed cakes and juice.  All proceeds will go towards supporting those affected by cancer. We raised a total of £215, an amazing amount.

We would like to thank Sainsbury’s Nine Elms Temp Store and our parents, staff and children for their kind contributions and wonderful support.

Rhinos Graduation

Mrs Avella returned to give an inspirational speech to the wonderful Rhino class as we bid them farewell to their time at Herbert Morrison and wish them every success in their new schools.

Inspirational Speaker

Iman Nour from Al-Nagashi Mosque gave an inspirational assembly sharing the beliefs of Islam.

Porcupines explore Baptism and visit a Chapel

Mrs Ross came into class and showed the children how she would perform a Baptism.

Mrs Avella took  the class to a local church to explore what is needed to perform a Christian naming ceremony.

The Dogs Trust

The Dogs Trust visited Camels Class. They talked about how to treat animals kindly and with respect.

They discussed responsible dog ownership by providing needs such as food, shelter, water, and medical treatment and kindness. As well as informing the children of how to keep safe for example by not approaching unknown dogs. Check out their website for further information,

School Barbeque

What a wonderful time everyone had at the barbeque!

 Cultural Day in the Nursery

Families really got into the spirit of cultural day by wearing traditional clothes to Nursery and bringing traditional food to share. Yum!

 Stockwell War Memorial

Meerkats visited the Stockwell War Memorial to support their learning about the Second World War.

Sports Relief Charity Walk

The whole school took part in a sponsored walk for Sport Relief.

Meerkats Visit the Science Museum

Meerkats had to explore how engines, wheels and axles worked as stimuli to making their own vehicles.

They sketched their ideas to support the planning stages of their models.

Panthers visit Battersea Power Station

School Traffic Safety Officers

Some pupils investigated traffic safety with local police on Wandsworth Road during morning rush hour.

They were shown how to use speed gun, luckily everyone passing was within the speed limit!


Part of the Wyvern Federation